The 82-year old grandmother who inspired Obama the other day takes on a Clinton grandma.
Keith Olbermann on Clinton's ever-shifting goals and ever-excluding support base:
And, apparently, Hillary Clinton has three nuts.
In Repugnican't news, John McCain wants to reinstate the League of Nations to confront Iran. And we thought the GOP was against speaking to other nations.
Also, Laura Bush, in a speech about the 20,000 plus victims of the Myanmar cyclone, breaks from this tragedy of human suffering to discuss the apparently far-more-important details of Jenna's wedding. It isn't "Let them eat cake" but it sure is close.
In Clinton/Republican news, apparently Barack Obama can be both a radical Muslim AND a radical Black Christian at the same time. I have a note of concern for Ben Smith's reporting lately. He's not completely in the bag for Hillary like he has been. Someone should probably check his temperature.