"I have to offer a 'Keith-style' Special Comment on that. Anyone who voted to screw up the political system of this country with the purpose of mischief should carry that with them the rest of their lives. What a ridiculous way to use the vote for which people fought and died - to use that vote to make mischief. I hope you're proud of yourself."
- Chris Matthews, on Limbaugh's cretins
Chris Matthews, welcome to democracy. You're still slightly offensive, but I congratulate you on taking a moral stance, at least on this one.
Also from C&L, the vaguely anti-Obama and anti-Dem voter ID law disenfranchises...nuns.
George McGovern is among the first of party elders to drop his support for Clinton, move over to Obama and ask her to drop out. I'm sure more are coming.
One Clinton campaign aide says she will hang on until June 15th. With presumably all the negative attacks she can muster by then, though I imagine it will be by text message since she's about out of cash.
Marc Ambinder, usually a Hillary supporter but still a realist, wonders how Clinton now plans to lose. Good question. She could easily go scorched earth and harm the party. He then shows his colors by pointing out why she should stay in the race.
David Plouffe asks the superdelegates to start reading the tea leaves and face reality.
Slate's Hillary Clinton Deathwatch has her chances down to 4.2% after last night's results.
Apparently, there were no issues in Lake County, IN, according to the GOP election head there. They just wanted to do it right and count every vote in a precinct before reporting. Wow, being attacked for trying to get it right? From the Clintons and their supporters? Really? That says a lot.