I, for some strange reason, have been in a lot of discussions about politics and the like over the past week. And I've come to a couple conclusions.
First, everyone is concerned about what Hillary Clinton wants. Namely, what will it take to get her off of the stage.
My thought? Who gives a rat's ass? Obama isn't anti-feminist and white males in Appalachia vote for the Rethugs in the fall no matter what their party designation is. It has been this way since 1964. You want to know why? They're racists. They don't like the Democratic party supporting civil rights for all people, and they are definitely not changing their tune when the nominee is a black guy. I'm not saying write off the South or Plains, just the cracker hillbillies for Hillary.
In a similar vein, all the GOP bigots are pissed off that gay people can marry in California. Hey, let's settle this once and for all. Since the central core of the GOP's argument is to take away the rights of gay couples (and no, after Reagan, Vittner, Larry Craig, Foley, et al you DO NOT have a moral leg to stand on), then gay couples who have been together for more than a year should not have to pay federal or state income tax. If you cannot tax people who have no representation, then you should not be able to tax those who can't safely have the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" pledge.
Woah! you say. That's a lot of money. And it is. So, I would also suggest we a look at every church that gave out "voter guides" or preached to their congregations how to vote from the 2000 election on. Or, for that matter, has been taking from the federal till since Bush allowed churches to suck at the government teat. ALL those churches should pay taxes for the next 25 years. Same as any small business, and some as large corporations. Yeah, they do good public works, but that is charity. If you want to get involved in politics directly, if you want to make public policy, if you want to impose your religion on others, you should pay up. Right now.
Or, and let's be clear on that I'm not really a fan on the taxation thing because I don't like validating bigots, churches should IMMEDIATELY get out of the business of making this country a hate-filled Protestant version of Taliban Afghanistan.
Anyway, just a couple thoughts.