"He's a half-breed and he's a Muslim. How can you trust that?"
- PA Clinton volunteer to an Obama supporter
That, and other racist bullshit, can be found in this article.
More on moron Clinton supporters who didn't leave the party in 1964 at Andrew Sullivan's site.
Honestly, we all know there are racists. We know they either vote for conservative Dems or just outright Republican. Yeah, Obama is going to lose West Virginia, and badly. Why? Because freaking racists live there. This isn't news. This isn't something Jeremiah Wright caused. Or the lack of a flag pin.
This goes back to not knocking the hell out of the South when they were down. For not executing every member of the KKK as domestic terrorists when they sprung into being after the Civil War. This comes from Nixon's "Southern Strategy", the Willy Horton type ads, Rove's attacks on McCain as having a "black baby" out of wedlock, and so on.
This isn't new, but apparently pretending it has never existed before is news if you see the MSM play it out.
You want to know why the world has thousands who want to kill Americans and millions who cheer them on? Our vast resource of racists are a major part of it.