There's a lot of talk on how a McCain presidency would essentially be a third term for Bush. Even those who want to dispute that keep running into a reality that says differently. And it isn't even that McCain started out that way. NPR covers many times McCain was a so-called "maverick" in the past. That said, the more he runs for president, the more he flip-flops and discredits his own former views and embraces the Age of Bush.
An older article, but this one discusses whether McCain has a real problem with the veteran's vote. Given that he has recently shat on the new GI Bill, I would argue that it has gotten worse.
Since Official Space Alien Cindy McCain keeps trashing Michelle Obama, as does the whole of the GOP, we should ask why we should lay off the Second Mrs. McCain and her history as a thieving drug addict.
And, as continues to remind us whenever the GOP (or Trophy Wife McCain herself) attacks Michelle Obama:
Just in case you thought she was somehow an upstanding citizen, take the Cindy McCain quiz.
In the quiz, you'll notice a few references to John McCain calling his wife a derogatory name. Which still strikes me funny that Hillary Clinton feminists still plan to vote for such a vile person. Anyways, here's a NSFW and vulgar look at what could have happened...and didn't.
236 also does a VP assessment on Joe Lieberman similar to the one they did on Bobby Brady-Jindal last week.