McCain *now* says he isn't whining about the media being biased against him. This post at HuffPo puts the lie to the myth anyway, as I'd mentioned earlier.
McCain is also pissed off that Obama is getting a lot of coverage for a trip McCain demanded he take in the first place. That's rich, really. He wanted Obama to screw up. Instead, McSame has, yet another error in geography from a guy who is starting to make it look like Bush knows where stuff is on a map. And Obama is being well-received, particularly by our allies and especially our troops. That has to hurt a guy like McCain, who - after all - is just an airedale who wrecked so many planes his own fellow pilots called him "Ace". And the GOP says it is *bad* that Obama has fans amongst our allies and fighting forces. Bad for them, maybe, but not for America.
Instead, Obama is doing fine and even has the Iraqi government agreeing with him. Here are some pics and video from the trip thus far.
Fared Zakaria insists we don't even *need* a war president. I'll take that one further. We don't need a president that inspires hatred of our nation in our allies or doesn't know that Iraq doesn't share a border with Pakistan. We already have a douchebag in charge, we don't need a guy that increasingly either seems to have the onset of Alzheimer's or just genuinely doesn't give a shit about our world.