"The glory days of TV news are over, and the media landscape has been dramatically changed....I find myself in the last bastion of male dominance, and realizing what Hillary Clinton might have realized not long ago: that sexism in the American society is more common than racism, and certainly more acceptable or forgivable."- Katie Couric, apparently blaming us for not watching her Fox-Lite reporting
McSame is working on a couple ads that apparently "prove" that the media is for Obama.
This I find very strange as McCain has always been shown to be more centrist and independent than he really is. He is, in short, a false media creation. So I find it comically pathetic for him to wonder where all the cameras have gone.
They are still there. Hell, I am VERY glad I did not renew my NPR membership this year. After interviewing shitheels like Glenn Beck, Grover Norquist and Richard Land as "mainstream" conservative voices; after being in the tank for Hillary Clinton; they are now mouthpieces for the McCain campaign. Don't believe me? This supposed bastion of liberal radio constantly airs critical pieces on Obama, but rarely a day goes by that a direct quote or soundbite from McCain or one of his lackeys is aired without any point-counterpoint or explanation that it is a damn lie when it is.
So yeah, keep harping McCain. You're getting a frigging daily blow job from "liberal radio" but everyone is against you.
Anyway, back to how Katie Couric is wrapped up in this. So, McCain did an interview with him recently and he completely dropped the ball on the history of the Surge that he loves so well. He attributed Sunni cooperation in the Anbar province with the results of us finally putting enough troops in the country. So, he blew it...again.
Did that actually air? No, CBS covered it up.
Katie, there's a reason the "golden age" of news reporting is gone, and if you look in the mirror, you are part of that reason. McCain, you cannot go ranting about unfavorable coverage when every anchor and reporter is seemingly ready to cover up your constant lack of knowledge and outright lies.