Here's a picture of your average Republican:
Note that she cannot spell or construct a sentence in the only language she supposedly knows. I've been holding onto this pic for awhile.
These are the kinds of fools who let child molesting polygamists live as their neighbors. These are the same douchebags who now want to pack heat when they go to the airport. If they win that, you'll see these morons in church, at schools, in hospitals with their handguns. The same guns they will fight to the death to not be trained or certified or otherwise registered to have.
Like I said, Republicans.
James Dobson kind of Republicans, who is attacking Obama lately on the premise, I guess, that God is more vengeful and hateful than most decent people take him to be. I don't know about you, but my vision of Christ on a cross did not involve him flipping off the Romans. For the Talibangelicals, this apparently is how they like him: vengeful.
And when the holier-than-thous aren't working hard to take away your legal access to medication in their "pro-life" drugstore chain, they are calling Obama a Muslim plant when McCain is probably a Russian version of the Manchurian candidate, and takes money from people who actually fund terrorists.
And since Rethugs like to accuse Democrats of being Commies, why is it that our Bush era "interrogation" techniques are lifted straight from the Chinese?
No, really, WHY?
Why is it that Black Republicans are more racist than your standard GOP stalwart?
Why are these idiots in charge? Why did you fools put them there? Why do you believe their lies and their opinions that aren't true, aren't plausible, aren't possible?
Hopefully we turn the entire bunch of freaks, pedophiles, liars, thieves, and zealots out on the street. You can atone for voting for Bush and the rest of his ilk. Seriously, you CAN be forgiven.