Wow. Could McCain have pandered to angry HIllary voters any better? Listen up PUMAs! Abandon your policy stances and vote for a women diametrically opposed to anything you believe in. Come on!
And talk about your lack of experience argument. Face it. McCain is 72 now. The likelihood of him kicking the bucket is not small. We'll be stuck with the second coming of Dan Quayle as president. As incompetent as Bush is, holy crap!
And I'm sure Sarah Palin is a fine person. You know, except for the scandal she's wrapped up firing her ex-brother-in-law and all. And since half of Alaska's GOP is involved in a oil company bribe scandal, she's probably involved in that somehow too.
Hell, I don't even like her voice. But that's just me being petty.
Ned being petty comes as giving her the moniker VPILF. Work it out. He still won't vote for the Fester/Marilyn ticket.
You know what though? I REALLY feel bad for the wholly bigoted, racist Republicans. They make - what? - a good solid 10% of GOP voters? They were fine not voting for the black guy, that's an easy pick for those crackers. But now they might have to vote for a woman!? Oh crap, what WILL they do?
The other person I would feel bad for if she wasn't a cyborg drone is Cindy McCain. She went from being "Ace" McCain's fuck buddy on the side to Mrs. McCain, while dumping the once-beautiful-but-injured Mrs. McCain Number One to the curb. Now, Johnny Boy has younger flesh again. What WILL he do? What WILL the robot do?