"She even does my boarding passes -- people can do that now," Mr. McCain marveled. "When we go to the movies, she gets the tickets ahead of time. It's incredible."- McCain, on how his wife is an internet "wizard"
Frankly, quotes from McCain on the topic of technology, like that above found in this article, scare the living hell out of me.
Yeah, I know, people make fun of Bush's "the google" and "internets" and Ted Steven's "tubes". Except for one thing: it isn't funny. These assholes have been good for telecom companies and in giving WAY too much protection for copyright. These same assholes are all about spying and taking away our privacy, and our freedom. So, yes, John McCain is just another in a long line of Republican douchebags who "don't get it" and never will. And that is BAD for America. Joke's over folks. Get these kinds of backward 19th century idiots out of power. Please.
Look, McCain is damn near a Luddite. He depends on his wife and campaign manager to pull up websites for him. He doesn't truly have a concept of what Googling something means. He doesn't email. He doesn't even know what his OWN website offers. Or doesn't. He is "learning to get online". He's a United States Senator for god's sake.
He isn't an old pensioner who has never had access to a computer; he's married into HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars. He's got the funds, he's one of 100 elite politicians, his hands aren't broken, and he can't figure out how to load a webpage?
I've had a f*ckin' Yahoo account since AT LEAST 1997, maybe 1996. And that doesn't count all the vi crap I did at the U of I. Granted, I work in the field but seriously folks, how long have you had email and text messaging and so on?
Anyway, I find it ridiculous to believe this guy is trying to interview to LEAD us. He was wrong on the war. He doesn't understand technology. He is suddenly pandering to Talibangelicals and Big Oil. He wants to start ANOTHER war. And, for all the crap John Edwards is, rightfully, getting for cheating on his wife: McCain did the SAME DAMN THING! Except, he married HIS "trollop" and ditched his wife.
"This isn't just about physical age; it's about a candidate who seems more comfortable in the past, and lacks a vision for the future."
Mother Jones covers McCain's inability to operate a computer as well as a comparison of his and Obama's technology policy goals.
LifeHacker asked folks if they felt our new president should be tech savvy. The survey results and accompanying comments show how much conservatives are apologists for idiot politicians.
ThinkProgress, as well as Salon, and the New York Times interview many of them refer to.
And of course, McCain apologists Michael Powell (failed FCC Chairman) and Carly Fiorina (Failed Hewlett-Packard CEO) try to swear that he gets it. Hell, THEY don't get it and they are advising HIM.
Good luck with that.
BONUS: Still think McCain is smart? Witty? A friend to women? Read these McCain quotes and discover how much of a willing tool you really are. Idiot.