I really hope that the old Luddite doesn't get elected. I really hope this country is smarter than I give it credit for. I seriously have my doubts, but....
I've been pretty much for Obama once I decided that Edwards was going to be too angry and lose sight of winning over pontificating. That was late last year and I'm glad to see that at least the Democratic Party has it's shit together, the racist Clintonite traitors notwithstanding.
So, with all the negativity of your standard GOP attack goon politics aside, I'd like to pass along some positive stories about Obama. Yeah, some of it is fluff, but well-meaning fluff so I'm happy to link you to it.
First off, Jacob Weisberg asks "What will the neighbors think?" if we send McCain to the White House? Will ANY nation ever trust us again? Good things to consider before voting yes on continuing the debacle of the Bush years.
Going back to the beginning, the NY Times did a nice article on Barack's mother back in March that bears a re-read.
Some Obama-inspired (and anti-McCain) humor for you.
The Nope poster, of course, is a parody on the famous Shepard Fairey Obama posters. Another article on the artist and his political work here.
Obama supporters have taken to using the middle name "Hussein" to counter the Clintonite/Republican attacks on Obama as "foreign".
In fact, that's a lot of the Hillary/McCain argument throughout the year. Barack is "too black" or "too exotic" or "too different". Whatever.
Obama excites people. Hell, there's a genre of Caribbean political songs devoted just to him.
Besides, he isn't different. He's the face of the rising minority and mixed race majority of this nation. Too bad the GOP refuses to acknowledge this. Then again, if not for the racists, bigots, hatemongers, and narrow-minded twits in their ranks, they wouldn't have much support, now would they?