Been running around trying to keep up with Gabriel, which is silly when you consider he can't even crawl. Crazy stuff folks.
Just a random sampling of what has been going on in my head for ya.
First off, I got a transfer inside the company. Far less, if any, travel and some new stuff to learn. So far, I'm quite happy. Changed bosses but Josh is pretty cool, though Luke was definitely the bomb as far as bosses go.
With the new job comes a damned Blackberry. Personally, I could punt the damn brick down the street and be quite happy with the decision, but oh well. One more leash, that's all.
So pardon me while I laugh my ass off when I heard recently that not only is John McCain a miracle worker, he's also a bleeding edge Canadian technology firm.
"Telecommunications of the United States is a premier innovation in the past 15 years, comes right through the Commerce committe. So you're looking at the miracle John McCain helped create and that's what he did."
- Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain shill
McCain's other minions tried to laugh it off, but McCain has also claimed credit for inventing cell phones and wifi.
Still not voting for you. Can you hear me now?
"It's another reason to be against John McCain. If he invented the BlackBerry, I blame him for having to spend too much time on my BlackBerry and not talking to my wife enough."
- Senator Sherrod Brown, OH shows up McCain's special Blackberry"
More news you already knew:
Republicans are fear-driven chickenshits...
...and racists, as evidenced by O'Reilly's "angry black woman" attack on Michelle Obama.
Bob Cesca on why the polls are so close. I have supporting links on that which I'll try to post later.
Here's an ad I wish we could see...
And one properly subtitled: