Why Sarah Palin is still a) on the ballot, and b) on a ticket that could actually still win is beyond me.
The good news is that I'm not the only one bewildered and frightened that this talking points spouting idiot is potentially one melanoma spot away from the presidency. Here are a couple voices I respect on the subject.
First, let's hear from Jack Cafferty and don't miss his response to Wolf Blitzer trying to cover for Palin:
Republicans are afraid of Palin and want her to leave the ticket. I'd be laughing at their discomfort if they didn't have a shot at the White House. You deserve what you get trolls. Unfortunately the rest of us might have to suffer too.
Fareed Zakaria weighs in as well.
Meanwhile, more news about Palin's belief that the Earth is only 6000 years old and that our ancestors used to play with dinosaurs. Idiot.