McCain made my baby cry.
McCain made me want to punch my TV screen.
I know the Talibangelicals and bigot crowd love to see an old, cranky, condescending piece of shit come out swinging and telling stories and making stuff up. They want to hear talking points and sound bites over substance and truth.
And yeah, Obama can officially stop treating Gramps so nicely from now on. Fuck that old guy. Destroy him.
What I saw tonight was McCain unwilling to look Obama in the eye. Hell, he didn't acknowledge he was even in the room between handshakes. He rambled on and on, making up little stories, giving a travelogue of every airport bathroom he's ever been in. Larry Craig must have been so proud.
So, here's the question: Did McCain ignore Obama as a dirty campaign tactic that says your opponent is beneath you? Or did he do it because his old ass mind still thinks Obama would be better off picking cotton or cactus or whatever the hell grows at McCain's ten houses?
If it is the former, I have a couple concerns. Does a potential president McCain disregard EVERYONE he thinks he's better than? Does he not even bother to meet, much less look at, other world leaders? I mean, other than the President of China, to whom he'll have to scrape and bow and kiss the ass of to pay for the 95 other years of the Iraq War?
Does it bother you that McCain discredits a guy who won the primary votes of 18 million Americans? What did he get? Maybe 5 million? Less? This is haughtiness at it's best.
This is smugness.
This is an asshole.
Don't vote for this prick.