Not only do these racists bring their children to hear and learn this vile crap, they get them to contribute. "Monkey president"? WTF?
More racists here in the Las Vegas area:
And the Manchurian Candidate and the Separatist Witch of Wasilla STILL have nothing to say about their supporters.
More on the resurgent racism of white supremacists motivated by Palin.
The Virginia election scam memo noted yesterday as well:
The Christian Coalition is back and lies about BOTH candidate's positions. Wow, lying about your own candidate's positions to get people to vote for him. Real Christian.
Another so-called Christian says you are going to Hell if you vote for Obama. I'll take my chances you racist bitch.
And in this gem, evangelicals swear the world is going to end if Obama wins. Well, YOUR world of hate, fear, and narrow-minded Talibangelical bullshit, but the rest of the world will be just fine.
From the archives: Fuck the South
On conservative talk radio, this asshat spent part of his show fantasizing about Obama smothering his grandmother with a pillow. Sick bastard.
And now we've come full circle. Bush is trying to trump the Supreme Court to try to disenfranchise 200,000 Ohio voters.
Not only is McCain like George Bush on policy, he's like Laura Bush when it comes to killing people with his car.
And, to wrap up this rant: Bush's Third Term