Cyborg Cindy Hates our Troops

Coming on the heels of her statements that McCain doesn't suffer from PTSD because he was trained better as an officer, Cyborg Cindy plays politics with our troops by blaming Obama for not supporting them. This is reference to a vote he made against a funding bill that didn't include a timetable for withdrawal in Iraq. If her logic is supposedly sound, her own husband did THE SAME THING voting against bills that *did* include timetables.

In short, I don't hear Michelle Obama accusing McCain of being unpatriotic and not supporting the troops. But I sure hear the Borg Queen whining about it.

Military families are likely to support McCain, but signs of younger military families supporting Obama are everywhere. The World investigates this further.

The Guardian speaks with family members of deployed troops.

Also from The World, last week they investigated the history of how wars end. Give it a listen.