Turns out John McCain filed for a marriage license to his Fembot four weeks before his divorce was finalized. And he got re-married six weeks later. The boy wasted no time kicking his former model wife to the curb. You know, after she got in a near-fatal accident and got disfigured.
Also, and if you can trust the National Enquirer, not only does Sarah Palin drag her little baby all over the country and let a 7-year old raise him (nice call on having them up on stage at 11pm you idiot!), she also has to contend with newly-pregnant Bristol as a pothead and "makeout queen". Oh, and future shotgun-marriage-son-in-law Levi was on 'roids as well as an Oxycontin dealer.
And darling boy Track? Yeah, he did blow and partied - a LOT. More on the miscreant clan here.
Here's a litany of crap about Palin's "parenting", including how she dleet to Dallas while eight and a half months pregnant, had her water break, and THEN flew back to Alaska.
Even a FAUXNews analyst wonders how a black kid in Georgia can get 10 years in prison for sex with a minor, but Levi Johnston gets invited to the Republican National Convention as a guest of "honor".
Different state laws matter. But with the GOP, so does race.
Family Values? Not from this party. Not from this ticket.