Guess I'm voting for my Rep after all

I really, REALLY had no motivation to vote for Shelley Berkley. She was amongst the most shrill, condescending, disgusting of Hillary supporters in Nevada. Her performance at our first Clark County convention.made what was a very bad situation damn near anarchy. Look, if you have a room full of Democrats TRYING to work together, don't go campaigning for your candidate by insulting the backers of her opponent.

Yeah, I know she's popular and have enjoyed supporting her to date, but her behavior during the primary season and even at the state convention was truly shitty. I even voted for her opponent in the primary just because I couldn't stomach casting a vote for her.

And then the GOP made it just a bit easier to do.

I listened to part of an interview with her opponent, Rethug Kenneth Wegner, the other day. After listening to his vile extremist GOP bullshit (audio), I decided to vote for Berkley after all.

Congrats! The Republican demagogue got me to vote for the Democrat one. Oh the joys of democracy!