In Battleground Virginia, a Tale of Two Ground Games - TIME

More classy Republicans:

Still, the yard signs we saw suggested that this was in fact a neighborhood divided. We discovered that was true when we approached another house on the list and found a father and son raking the front yard. "I'm voting for McCain," the father told us. But his 19-year-old son, a college student home for the weekend, told us he plans to send in his absentee ballot for Obama. His reason? 'Palin's a retard,' he said. As for the lady of the house? McCain, the man said. 'She has to live here. The kids I can kick out.'

An independent college student on why he is for Obama. Hint: it has something to do with the GOP appealing to the KKK vote. That said, it is still a good story on how Obama has a far superior operation than McCain does. Which *should* matter to voters. We'll see.

More GOP code words for "he's black!"

Union leader Richard Trumka confront the racism head on.

More on the racist mobs.