Main Entry: 1mav·er·ick Pronunciation: \ˈmav-rik, ˈma-və-\ Function: noun Etymology: Samuel A. Maverick †1870 American pioneer who did not brand his calves Date: 1867 1: an unbranded range animal ; especially : a motherless calf
A couple things from the debate.
One, obviously Girl Robin had memorized her lines and she did a good job of delivering them. That said, other than crapping the floor and flinging the waste at the audience, the GOP would have declared her a victor just for showing up.
There's a lot of that going around this year. Winning by either merely appearing or for doing what you should have been doing all along. It is the Attendance Medal as the Gold Standard. Hillary Clinton got it for endorsing Obama. Granted, she waited until the last day of the Democratic Convention to do it, but by golly she done good.
When the hell did doing the absolute least effort possible deserve accolades. And, given that the result of this directly leads to a potential President Palin, can we PLEASE stop this train wreck before we all get nuked by a hot-headed dimbulb?
"The home-spun homilies have to go. And, oh my god, words do have ending consonants."- Martha Stewart, on Palin's mangling of the English language
Considering how many Republicans are English-only advocates, not to mention racists, it is surprising how they embrace people who revel in sounding like uneducated morons. Junior debate queen did not impress women who already hold power. If anything, she makes them look foolish.
Plus, she got her facts wrong If she had been on the stand in a trial, her "I'm not answering the questions asked to me" would have gotten her thrown in jail for contempt.
And contempt is all her and McCain have for their opponents, and apparently for America.
She got McCain's stance on homeowner protections wrong.
She's been against McCain's stance on Pakistan, pursuing al-Qaeda, and even on Henry Kissinger. That said, Kissinger has basically called himself a liar to cover McCain's backside.
She couldn't counter ANY of Biden's attacks on McCain. Apparently she didn't have notecards for that.
She not only got the name of our commanding general in Afghanistan wrong, she completely lied about his views on the surge. Either that, or she actually under the delusion that George McClellan is still a field general for the Union forces.
She should be notified, however, that he was removed from field command on Novermber 5th, the same day Palin should hopefully be sent back to Alaska to be tried and imprisoned for Troopergate.
Also, he was removed in '63. 1863.
Not that facts matter to Republicans. Or reality. Or fairness. Or hygiene.
In all fairness, they both got stuff wrong. But her FAR MORE than Biden.
Best quote of the night:
"He is the man that we need to leave."- Sarah Palin on John McCain
Oh, don't get me wrong, some folks loved Palin's performance.
Here are some now: