It was a good morning here in Las Vegas. Leslie and I got up early (actually Gabriel woke up at 3 am and we never quite got back to sleep, the little stinker). Josh, my manager, was very cool with my coming in a little late (also an Obama supporter) and we went to the Lied Library early voting site on the UNLV campus, which is the closest one to us.
Campus is getting pretty stoked for a variety of issues, particularly related to the severe education budget cuts. That said, it is also a very, verypro-Obama environment.
We got in line and voted without incident. My little boy grabbed my hand and we both voted for Barack. It was a really cool moment. I finished the rest of the ballot, caught up with my wife, and we left.
The GOTV space where bands will be playing today was pretty much empty. That said, the Obama tent was up, festooned with posters and paraphenalia and ready to go. Apparently they were set up an hour early. As we walked back home, there were a handful of folks running around with stickers and a card on Obama's positions. They were politely informing people of where to vote and were appreciative of those who already had.
These are highly motivated volunteers who were organized and not stepping on each other's toes. Polite to even the rude McCain supporters who snapped back at them (the couple instances I saw). Basically their job was to inform people to vote and, if for Obama or undecided, were more than helpful in informing them on the issues and how to get those votes cast today and tomorrow on campus.
That said, I am proud to say we saw many who were voting for Obama turned out this morning, including a Republican colleague of my wife who, as many Republicans have already said, cannot vote for this extreme version of McCain and WILL NOT vote for Sarah Palin. I am glad to see them vote alongside us in changing this nation's direction.
As always, beautifully orchestrated and powerful. I am so very glad to be a part of this movement.