Over at Media Matters, a roundup of the conservative assholes who think Obama went to Hawaii to...wait for it...cover up his supposedly fake birth certificate.
As for Ashley Todd, she lied. Yeah, that's right. No "big black buck" assaulted her, robbed her, or cut her up. Let me say it again. She LIED! Not an untruth, a confused story, a misrepresentation. She fucking lied>! Like all Republicans do. She lied to get racists energized to vote for McCain. She lied to paint black people as criminals. She lied to distract everyone. To get us talking about anything but the issues.
Here's an issue for you: Republicans are racist liars. Vote 'em out!
As the conservative media? They fell for it. They WANTED it to be true. They used their ALL CAPS and BIG RED LETTERS!
You know what else? THEY LIED TOO! Drudge lied. FAUXNews lied. They were so fired up that this incident would turn every white voter away from Obama. They were giddy for it. They were hard for it.
The McCainiacs also lied.
This is just the first shot of Willie Horton 2008. Stay tuned to more sickening racism from the GOP.
More sordid incidents from Palinites here in Las Vegas as well as in Denver: