Some post debate thoughts

Courtesy of Reddit:

Now McCain says people are pro-abortion? Yeah, I don't think you can find someone who is friggin pro-abortion, retard.

A perfect example of the difference between McCain and Obama: McCain says "the pro abortion movement" and Obama says " those who support choice, and those who are against abortion"

Incidentally, meet Joe the Plumber.

MY personal favorite moment on what damned McCain?

McCain: "Let me just say, categorically, I'm proud of the people that come to our rallies."

You are PROUD of racists and bigots? DailyKos has more on this.

He's said he's denounced all of these comments. He's a liar. He says he's talking about the issues. Sure, but barely. He says he's still a maverick and a straight talker. Bullshit. There is a clear line from Atwater to Rove to McCain.

Notes on the debate from ThinkProgress, HuffPo and an early wrap-up by Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo with bonus from over at Bob Cesca's site: 11 Seconds of Self-Destruction as far as McCain is concerned.

Basically, I saw an angry old man, saddened that his campaign can be summed up as a collection of the same kind of attack ads once made about him. Then again, he DID hire the same assholes who made THOSE ads so he's got it coming. I imagine he'll just let his Girl Friday inspire racial hatred for the next three weeks without comment and then hopefully they don't fix the election so that he's our next president.