Seeing as the third debate happens in a couple days, some leftovers from the last one.
Some takes on McCain's slur from Bob Cesca and The Nation.
Incidentally, the GOP LOVES the concept of "That One" and sees no problem in using it to bash Obama.
Catching up with two other folks McCain insulted during the last debate. First, Oliver Clark, known to McCain as "Andy" apparently. You may know him from McCain giving him a lecture on the finer points of home loans since - you know - since he's African-American he "probably" had no idea that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are involved. Well, MkKkaine, Oliver has a college education and everything, and DOES in fact know more than how to pick cotton and say "Massa".
And though McCain lied through his teeth on his stance on alternative energy, he completely disregarded and wouldn't even look at Ingrid Jackson, who has now switched to Obama, for policy reasons she says. I imagine her treatment had something to do with it too.
She also is pushing a new question she would like answered by the candidates.
Also, one note to McCain: if you are going to keep bringing up David Petraeus, know that his comments support Obama's views, not your's.