You can read up on voter fraud from two fine articles at ThinkProgress and over at Daily Kos.
At Kos, you can also read the history of Republican efforts to suppress votes since 2000.
Recent proof of this can be found in Lake County, Indiana, where early voting sites were reopened by court order after the GOP "leaders" shut them down. They also stopped processing new voter registrations. No clue on when THAT will start again. And, of course, they wanted to throw out all the thousands of early votes cast prior to their illegal shutdown.
Word from some disheartened McCain workers that, yes, they ARE working on voter suppression and fraud as a way to win. Big surprise.
Some Palinites are resorting to vandalism, burglaries and death threats of ACORN employees. Now, in Ohio, they've tried to hack websites, send suspicious packages, and issued death threats to state officials.
Freedom lovers? Not so much.
Even Palinite campaign dittoheads can't believe the shit coming out of their mouths. Chris Matthews FTW.