Leslie and I went to early vote on campus. Gabriel helped me choose Obama/Biden so he's got his first taste of voting at two months. He even got an "I voted" sticker. Let's hope they count them correctly. The following makes one wonder.
As if losing on the issues wasn't bad enough, the GOP and McCain are determined to cheat their way to victory. And it is happening nationwide.
- Voter intimidation in New Mexico
- They just steal your ballot in Florida
- Using foreclosure lists to illegally disenfranchise voters in Michigan
- 50,000 voters purged in Georgia
- 30,000 illegally purged in Colorado
- More on the shenanigans in Philadelphia, now including a lawsuit to force enough polling places and machines to be present
- Some CNN video on the Georgia purge. Apparently people are being informed they aren't even US citizens.
- Sequoia Voting Systems could not be bothered to print 11,000 absentee ballots that it said it had sent out. Diebold isn't acting alone.
- In North Carolina, you can't vote for president. Or at least it is very hard to.
- In Michigan, the GOP is trying to stop new voters from voting absentee, thus disenfranchising predominantly young and college going voters. You know, because it is really hard to come in for election day from out-of-state.
In short, they are on the ropes and pulling out all the stops to take your vote away. I'm sure there are far more stories like this nationwide.
Wherever you are, vote. You might be replacing the vote of a fellow citizen screwed by the Republican Party.