Frankly, the whole thing has exhausted me. Plus, Gabriel has been a little sick and keeps us up all night. So, yeah, I've waited a week to post a lot of this.
I've re-read and re-watched most of it and am still so proud of this country. Yes, there are evil, dirty racist dirtbags that mutter hate and I will get to those cretins, but enough of us stood up and said Enough! to hate and division, at least for one bright, shining day.
Thanks everyone.
"A Night to Remember"
Newsweek's How He Did It.
"The festive scenes of liberation that Dick Cheney had once imagined for Iraq were finally taking place -- in cities all over America."
From the New York Times editorial board, as well as opinions from Frank Rich on the election and Nicholas Krisof on the return of intellectualism.
Other African-American firsts:
Unrequested advice is pouring in from all over for Obama. That's not to say it is all bad but it makes for interesting reads.
Ron Elving's Memo to the President. Also from NPR, a request to not censor or meddle with science as Bush has done. Plus the challenge of fixing the Justice Department.
Consult every other political site in the world for similar discussions.
Obama's message to his supporters.
The moment history was called:
Plus a longer version:
The election night speech at Grant Park:
Bob Cesca's take on election night.