Pretty Hate Machine

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

From Urban Dictionary:


1. An applicant lacking even basic job skills

2. Someone supremely un-self-aware or lacking any relative sense of what he/she does or doesn't know.

HR sent me another Palin for the marketing manager job.

Turns out the Secret Service may be linking Sarah Palin's hate-filled rhetoric into a rise in Obama death threats. Gee, big surprise.

Early reports on the schism between the McCain and Palin camps.

Meanwhile, Palin is blaming Bush for their loss. Apparently running a lie-based, racist campaign doesn't count?

If any of the following is true, I'm amazed Palin can breathe without assistance. And she thought (and STILL thinks?) she should lead America?

But as we all know. It isn't just Sarah Palin. Unfortunately so as one would hope racism disappears with her race to irrelevancy in Alaska.

Even among those who wish Obama well lies the taint of dark days ahead.

Even as the New York Times applauds the diminished role of the South in our politics, the hate simmers out across America.

In Mississippi, you can be kicked off of a school bus and suspended by the basketball coach for even saying the name "Obama".

Thankfully, a little more justice in Pittsburgh, where a teaher's aide was suspended for making offensive statements about Obama. Comments included Obama would be shot and killed, but only after replacing the US flag with a KFC flag and change the national anthem to "Movin' on up".

Stay classy Rethugs.

And then there is gay marriage. Mormons have gone WAY beyond the pale in trying to take rights away from Americans, gay Californians who ALREADY HAD legal marriages until last week. Yeah, their rights were taken from them.

Look, I have LDS friends and while I think I know how they think on this, I don't want to damn them, but what the fuck people?!

And then there's sci-fi author Orson Scott Card. Now, after reading his last book, Empire, I realized he was pretty conservative kook, but I did not realize he wanted to violently overthrow the American government if support for gay marriage was ever approved.

Here's some video from the LA protests of the Temple there:

Plus reports on the coalition building against the LDS, and Utah in general, in Salt Lake City.

It has gotten to where folks think it is fine to beat up a lesbian couple outside their son's school. I don't know if the assailant was of any religious persuasion but, given his behavior, I'd have to say he might be a Satanist.

The last word on this goes to Keith Olbermann, for taking a stand against this particular brand of hate as only he can.