The upside of having a newborn is that you don't have a lot of time to watch TV or focus on anything other than changing diapers. Not sure when I'll finally post this but it will be an ongoing bunch o' links and editorials and the like.
The message: get off your ass and vote on Tuesday if you haven't already. If you have, make sure everyone around you goes to vote. Barring Reagan's 1984 win, I cannot envision this nation EVER having a Republican president if EVERYONE got out and voted. Stop that from happening this time by casting your ballot.
And hell, if you want any inspiration, watch this. Sorry, the BBC doesn't do embedding yet I guess.
Last night we were at Babies R Us and since they only have a "Mother's Room", I sat around and read news on my Blackberry while Leslie fed Gabriel. Below are the relevant opinion and news articles I found of interest.
Nicholas Kristof on rejoining the world.
Frank Rich on how far we haven't come.
The weighted value of your vote:
Your electoral vote bar chart, according to the latest polls.
Some McCain troll won't give candy to Obama supporters. What an ugly person. Gotta love the neighborhood response though.
Here is how McCain think he can win New Hampshire. A GOP-aligned secretive company does the vote counting.
More dirty McCain campaigning. Hell, Hawaii has had to verify Obama's citizenship to counter GOP claims to the contrary.
Question: Which candidate was born on a piece of property this is currently not US soil? Yeah, it is McCain. They've got a lot of balls sinking to this level.
The GOP refused to expand early voting in Georgia. This is what the lines looked like on the final day of early voting.
If you can do so, get out the vote:
Time presents 7 Things That Could Go Wrong on Election Day. Personally, I think they're leaving some things out.
And Republicans voting for Obama to prevent against a President Palin.