I was reading the following Huffington Post article about how the RNC is attacking Barack for visiting his gravely ill grandmother. I was thinking about how low they have fallen as a party, and how reprehensible such an attack is, when I got a news update that the worst has happened and that Madelyn Dunham has passed on.
My family's best wishes and condolences to the Obama family in their time of grief.
My loathing for a party of cretins that would speak family values and act on politicized hatred. Shame on them for their loathsome behavior.
Vote for Obama. Get others to vote for Obama. Drag them if there are willing but unable to get to the polls. Offer them a sandwich, or a beer. This is not a time for lethargy and slacking.
Barack is having a horrible day today. Let us work to make tomorrow one he can be pleased with.