I'd be more gracious, but the vehement and vile militant Rethug fringe is making it hard to do. I'm essentially quitting my position in an online gaming club after eight years because I don't want to be associated with that vermin.
Paul Krugman on monsters. Let us banish them back under the bed.
Check out these maps that show the GOP power base shrinking. Hopefully we can find a way to keep them down until the party rejects it's cancer of racists, hate and fearmongers, and Talibangelicals. Then we can talk sense to our opposition again.
This idiot at the Wall Street Journal laments that we have been too mean to Bush. Hell, the guy authorized torture and spying on American citizens and got re-elected. I call that getting off real light.
Speaking of Bush screwing this nation over, a list of crimes still waiting to be committed.