Land of the Free (my ass)

From Crooks and Liars, a look into an upcoming story of how white militias hunted and murdered black people in the days after Hurricane Katrina.

Another story from there on Nazi infiltration of our military.

Racists murdering blacks and Arabs for sport around the globe and here at home. AKA the GOP base.

And how about how we treat our troops in this country? Here is one soldier in Michigan fighting to keep his car after it got repossessed by Bank of America while he was in Iraq. Yeah, the same Bank of America that took government money and has, to date, screwed over Republic Window in Illinois and SGT Rupprecht and is STILL not lending any money.

And then, of course, the United States once again stands alone and has refused to sign a declaration calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality. That's right, we reserve the right to imprison and take the rights away from people based on their sexual persuasion. So much for freedom and justice for ALL. We join other enlightened entities like Russia, China, all Muslim nations, the Vatican, and anyone else with a 10th century mindset in our backwardness. Congrats bigots, you continue to hold the keys to the city.