A HUGE Whiskey Tango Foxtrot to Barack Obama today.
As detailed in this article, Mother Jones says it better than I can:
Rick Warren is the pastor of the California-based megachurch known as Saddleback and the author of super-bestseller The Purpose Driven Life. He wins plaudits from mainstream media types and Very Serious People because he is trying to expand the evangelical community's priorities beyond the standard social issues. He wants to see more attention paid to poverty, climate change, AIDS, and human rights. That's all well and good, but Warren still has many views that match the hardline right. He strongly supported Proposition 8. He considers stem cells "non-negotiable." He compares abortion to the Holocaust. He has admitted the difference between between him and James Dobson is primarily "a matter of tone." In a move that would make George Orwell proud, he just gave George W. Bush an "International Medal of P.E.A.C.E."
Let's get this straight: why the FUCK would someone pick a Talibangelical bigoted asshole at a moment when you are trying to bring the country together?
More background on the guy who advocates assassination, hates women, as well as compares being pro-choice akin to being a Holocaust denier, hates gays and is basically a scumbag.
The asshole in his own words:
Thankfully, I'm not the only one who thinks that coddling the more extreme bigots of our time is a way to unify the nation. Face it, there WILL be racists who won't give up, there WILL be hardcore Republicans loading guns looking to kill Obama, and there WILL be Talibangelical flat earth asshats just waiting to teach our kids creationism, take away their choices, turn the girls back into property, make the boys march off to eternal war, remove logic, reason, and education because knowledge only distracts from having a narrow, angry view of the world.
Kowtowing to hate is not a winning plan and it really, really sickens me that the guy I've put time, effort, and money into electing does not see it that way.
I feel dirty.