I find this hilarious.
The GOP and their mouth-breathing internet pals are just SO up in arms about a stimulus package. Particularly that teabag-loving Boehner. Maybe he'll tear up some more and talk to us about how sad he is about, well, everything not going his way lately.
Look, these fuckholes had NO problem sending our soldiers off to war without enough comrades in arms beside them. Without enough armored vehicles. Being given water to drink that had washed corpses by Chene's bitches at Halliburton.
What did that cost? I mean other than over 4,000 American lives and 12,000 plus wounded? Not to mention the 100,000 or so Iraqis? Oh, eventually THREE TRILLION DOLLARS!
These same scumbags - for the most part - had no issues with given $700 billion to banks, even turning speculative investment banks into the regular kind so they could feed generously at the government trough. Then again, the GOP LOVES giving free money to businesses with no strings attached. Indeed, other than to give the Klan something to do politically, I'm not sure what ELSE the Republican Party is around for.
What has that done for us? Not a whole hell of a lot. Heck, Bank of America has gone back to the trough for a THIRD trip and still won't lend any money. The SEIU has some ideas on what they should do.
Hell, the only ones even trying are the auto companies. Sure, they are scumbags too, but frigging GMAC opened up it's credit rules the day after the feds gave them $5 billion. And even then they're still being tight asses.
So, $350 billion in and only $5 billion has shown any good results.
And now Obama wants to provide jobs and give the taxPAYERS a break. And the GOP is solidly against it.
I sure hope America is watching and taking notes. And, yeah, partisan division aside and all that, but Obama needs to point out the argument these guys are making, which is this: TRILLIONS for war, TRILLIONS for corporations, and not ONE FUCKING DIME for those who actually pay the taxes.