Too Many Online Friends? Time to Delete -

Here's a story concerning the concept of unfriending people on Facebook.

I've got to be completely honest, I have done a certain bit of this lately. Some folks think it is hilarious to make racist jokes. Others are making completely angry and virulent political jokes. These folks are increasingly quit to exit my friends list. I doubt they even notice. I really, really doubt they even care.

A few I am going to keep friended. They really have no clue how angry and stupid they truly sound. Plus, they rarely vent so and it gives me a view into the world of conservative angry bigot fucks so at least I know what the lay of the land without being completely mired in it.

Basically, it lets me know whether I should be more wary of Ryder trucks near my kid's daycare and the like. Yes, Timothy McVeigh was a Republican, folks. And his successor are fuming on Sean Hannity's forum right now.

I don't know where I'm going with this. Just that it is once again nice to see someone putting words to the things I am feeling.