TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | For Some Culprits In Financial Meltdown, Life Is Still Pretty Good

I'm gonna be honest here. My grandfather was damn near a Socialist and I was more or less raised with the whole class struggle thing in mind. So, like 10% of our population is locked up for petty drug offenses and the assholes that drive our economy to the ground are living like this?

How is THAT fair. Or, more to the point, how is THAT democracy? These pricks, and the Enron/WorldCom/Whatever scumbags, and damn near anyone in Halliburton or has shaken George Bush's hand should be doing hard time in federal max. Instead, they are ALL off the hook.

The ONLY reason these people aren't being dragged into the street, beaten, and then hung from light poles like some of them deserve is that everyone knows that, unless you are Bill Gates, if you do it, you'll be beaten by the cops, given a show trial, and your life destroyed.

Don't smoke a jay but you are free to destroy the economy, people's lives, the economy, our nation's financial and ethical standing and get away with it.
