Racists and Zealots: The GOP in THEIR own Words

I'm confused

How can 2,000,000 blacks get into Washington, DC in 1 day in sub zero temps when 200,000 couldn't get out of New Orleans in 85 degree temps with four days notice?

THAT is what passes for GOP humor these days. And not just any kind of Rethuglican, the Florida kind. Yeah, hateful AND dumb.

The bitch who sent said email is completely unapologetic and blames whoever outed his bigotry as some kind of traitor.

Meanwhile, the 90% of the GOP pissed that the RNC head is a black man are possibly looking to create a splinter party. Sure, you have to consider the source as it is David Duke, but I really do love that he can say that 90% of the GOP are bigoted racists. I mean, I honestly don't think it is above 60% on a bad day, but if he says it is so, then IT MUST BE TRUE!

Meanwhile, GOP Texas Rep. Pete Sessions wants to emulate the Taliban in order to stop Barack Obama. So...you want to kill women who want to read and create a violent insurgency against our elected government, in the hopes of creating a theocracy in our land? Well, I've been saying it all along, but no we have confirmation from the party.

The Republican Party: Ninety percent racist and ready to start a religious civil war. They are saying it themselves.