Trying to Live on 500K in New York City -

There has to be some Fifth Columnists over at the New York Times.

Last week they wanted us to feel sorry for gold diggers who weren't getting presents anymore. Now we're supposed to lament bankers who come begging to the government and might be forced to have their salaries cut to half a million dollars. According to this article, $500,000 is not enough money to maintain their lifestyle.

One, fuck them. If they failed and have to take a handout, they should suck it up and get on with it. Humility should be an implied response to such a situation.

Two, I don't care how much it costs to live in New York City. If you don't like it, move.

Three, the WHOLE POINT of punishing those who FUCK UP is EXACTLY to get them to change their ways. So Muffy loses her tennis coach and Biff doesn't get a free Mercedes? GOOD! Maybe they'll learn to be better people. And half a million is still MANY times more than the average American family makes.

DailyKos takes a crack at this without resorting to frothing at the mouth, which is basically where I'm at.

And Where. The. Hell. is the argument that can rationally explain why *anybody* deserves a bonus after driving a company into the ground? Because I sure haven't heard it yet, despite all the blathering going on.