You Fucked Up. Now Stop Trying to Buy Me Off so I'll Forget.

The GOP is too busy being against everything to be for anything. Their best plan, apparently, is for everything Obama does to fail and then gloat about it to score political points.

Wait? NOW who are the patriots and who are the potential traitors? Just asking.

And these fools still listen to Joe the Unlicensed Plumber. As I increasingly read more and more from Bob Cesca's blog, the following points come to mind:

"Taking orders from Rush Limbaugh. Championing a know-nothing hoople for vice president. Making up fake CBO reports. Generally screwing up the world. Democrat Party. And now, taking advice from a skinheaded cartoon character."

- Bob on the GOP wanting to be taken seriously.

"Weird. The Republicans don't seem to mind it when Joe the Plumber doesn't pay his taxes."

- Bob on the GOP outrage over all the Obama picks having tax issues

A couple things related to all this silliness. One, the tax cuts the GOP is in love with don't work. As a return of investment, AT BEST they give $1.03 to the dollar. And corporate tax cuts only give back 30 frigging cents. That's called a handout. Food stamps return more than FIVE TIMES that.

Don't believe me? Read it here and here or just check this chart:

Yeah, infrastructure spending WORKS. But they are against it. Look, I'm going to get taxed no matter what I do. I don't need another tax break if the roads are gonna go to shit and homeless camps are going to pop up all over America. FIX what you broke. Don't try to pay me off to ignore it.

Here is a list of stuff the GOP is against. Yeah, some of it is pork. The majority, however, is stuff I adamantly agree with. Completely. And hell, it is only, maybe, ,a href="" target="_blank">5 to 10% of the stimulus package. Plus, their arguments against these projects are largely bullshit. Seriously, follow that last link. You'll be fucking enlightened as to the crap the Rethugs say.

Just silly little fools they are. Listening to their junkie Limbaugh and Joe the Loser, whacking off to their autographed photos of Palin and/or Larry Craig.

And to think millions buy into their bullshit.