"Hey, Obama is being criticized for trying to solve too many problems at the same time. I'll tell you one thing. This never would have happened if Bush were still president. We wouldn't even be having this conversation."- Jimmy Fallon
One of the moronic Republicans memes they are trying to push is that President Obama is "trying to do too much". You know, like he should pick between rolling back the crimes of the Bush years or handling two wars, one of which is illegal, or fixing the Republican's broken economy or fixing America's shattered image.
So, let us be glad that Democrats come into office from time to time. If Republicans were in power we might have had the following choices:
- Either beat the Nazis and let Japan conquer China and Australia OR let the Nazis kill ALL the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, etc. Hmm, knowing the GOP for what it is, I GUARANTEE they'd have left Hitler alone and gone for Tokyo.
- Either go to moon OR deal with our social inequalities. Actually, this one is a no-brainer. They'd have simultaneously killed the space program and sent the army to kill every college student and minority in the nation. And probably given some billionaires a tax cut.
Actually, I've run through a few more scenarios and they just keep getting worse. Basically, every despot on this planet would have gotten free weapons for killing women rights advocates, anyone who had ever met a socialist, and basically any reporter alive (the actors at FAUX don't count as reporters; the closest they have is Geraldo for God's sake).
And how dare these asshats accuse America of being incapable of doing more than one thing? For all the labelling of anyone who disagreed with Bush as a traitor, these idiots have the gall to suggest our nation is not mighty enough to handle more than one challenge? Traitors? They'd better start looking in the mirror. "MY" America is far more capable than their's.