Chuck Norris wants to secede from the US and become the next president of Texas. He said this on that tool Glenn Beck's radio program.
A couple thoughts on this. One, isn't this sedition, if not outright treason?
Two, while this is sort of funny, isn't Norris' claim that he can call forth thousands of right wing militias just an invitation to visit Guantanamo before it closes down?
Though, as this article points out, Norris is an Okie. He probably isn't eligible to rule Texas.
That said, while I truly *am* sick of these Fifth Columnist bastards who want to alternately watch Obama fail or to kill him, I really think we should take this opportunity to allow some of these states to leave. We'd be a LOT better off without Gov. Sanford and South Carolina. Same with Mississippi. And Texas. We could always reroute some interstates (it would be good for job creation). Just putting it out there.