Vatican defends Brazil excommunication - Yahoo!7 News

Yet another entry into the why I don't go to church anymore category.

So, abortion is wrong, even when you are trying to rid yourself of the seed of a rapist? Wow, organized religion is so full of dogmatic douchebags. So, in your eyes, this woman deserves to be damned to hell for eternity?

The whole planet is either turning atheist or fringe bait like the Talibangelicals and you don't even have to wonder why when you read stories like this. Religion should be common sense. Religions should bring out the best in people. Religion should care for it's members and be on their side.

Instead we get this. Not everywhere, but enough to make folks question why anyone follows a church's teachings. If all we are going to get are judgmental bastards, abortion clinic bombers and rabid anti-gay hatemongers, then, well, no thanks.