
I don't like this lady. She's in a series of ads you've probably seen that tout the "Drill Baby Drill" line of the right wing goon squad. They aren't as bad as the coal industry pimping out children, but still pretty loathsome.

The ads are put out by the petroleum industry, so it isn't like they don't have a stake in this. They try to a) make their argument sound logical, b) make claims that just aren't all that truthful, and c) make you think YOU already agree with them and don't even know it.

Here's a question I had while the election was going on. I really wish Obama had thrown this into McCain's face and am disappointed he didn't. Both candidates, grudgingly or not, wanted to move us away from - or completely off - fossil fuels in many energy areas in 10 years. Yet McCain kept touting drilling off our coasts and in our national parks. The best plans for ANY offshore drilling was to see results in a *minimum* of 14 years. Yeah, a lot longer than we were planning to even NEED those resources.

This twit basically makes the same argument as McCain tried to. She still ignores the obvious, but is even smarmier than Palin.

What I *do* love are the Repower America folks (link). Yeah, they might have their own delusions in their ads, but *their* blonde lady speaks TO you and not AT you and makes a strong case without sounding like she's selling shit and shinola. Check it out.

Seeing as the weather is getting weirder and just today hearing that more of Antarctica is increasingly falling to pieces, I'm gonna trust the second lady's argument more.