"But on the plus side, if Texas did secede from the Union, we could then invade them for the oil."- Jay Leno
So...more on the whole Texas secession concept. This is just the latest spin on disgruntled Texan behavior. It happened when I moved down in 1982 and spawned a militia during the 1990s.
Here's a comedic look at this idiocy:
And here is a list of where Texas stands in relation to other states. It ain't pretty. Five Thirty Eight lays out some other benefits to ditching the Lone Star State.
There isn't much a chance for an independent Texas to improve things either. After we pull out the military bases, nuke bombers and MX missiles in the silos, there is going to be some pretty big unemployment. Since the US isn't using the Houston Ship Channel and the Navy will be ditching Corpus Christi and the Air Force rides out of San Antonio - not to mention moving NASA - there are a lot of jobs leaving.
Plus, and this is key, apparently 35% of Texas' income comes from - (drumroll) - American federal dollars. And yes, this is an amount far more than Texas pay in taxes.
Bonus fun: either the State Department is playing along or is just infested with Clintonite numbnuts but they had temporarily listed Texas as a foreign country recently.
Damn, if this keeps up I'm going to have to create a whole other category.