Gates's Cuts to an Array of Weapons Bring a Fight -

How soon they forget. Or at least how soon they think WE forget.

All kinds of Congressmen and Senators are irate that there will be cuts to a variety of military programs and systems. Some are redundant. Some are completed. Some are just unworkable or just plain bad. One of them is the Future Combat System, a supposed plan to integrate soldiers directly into their gear and vehicles. One of it's biggest fans is Senator Jim Inhofe, Global Climate Change Denier from Oklahoma, where at lot of the work is done. What follows is what would be a sensible quote from almost any other human being trying to keep jobs in his state.

"F.C.S. is Army modernization. Without it, we risk sending our sons and daughters into combat in vehicles that are second-rate and are less survivable and effective in combat. What price should we place on the lives of our children we send off to war?"

Let's take a moment to observe the heavy handedness of that statement. Now let's break it down. This guy HATES science. He also had ZERO PROBLEM sending our fighting MEN and WOMEN off to war in Iraq and Afghanistan in unarmored Humvees. WE, the United States, do not send children to war, so quit making it like we rush out 9 nine years with AT-4s strapped to them.

The hypocrisy of this piece of shit who did everything but blow Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al so we could run and gun into Baghdad is NOW using the health and safety of our troops as justification to keep jobs in his state is sickening.

I mean, he will always get enough backward Okies to re-elect him. Thankfully, the whole state is not like him, but they are still a majority.

But this is pretty damn vile. Even for a cretin like him.