If janitors were like CEOs

If CEOs are to be held responsible for their companies tanking, why do they get bonuses? Why do they get golden parachutes. Oh sure, it was in a contract, but hopefully so was their ability to make the company succeed. If the company does NOT succeed, the contract is void, thus no bonuses.

Yeah, it really IS that simple. Fire the bastards and move on. If they were good enough to deserve the bonus, the company wouldn't be getting bailed out by the Feds.

So now the big boogeyman is making union workers adjust their already adjusted contracts so that car companies can survive. Look, if you are going to pour a trillion bucks into AIG and fire NOBODY, don't even come looking to screw the UAW over $20 billion. Sure, you fired one C-level guy, but now want to fuck with the rank and file?

Gimme a break. Come back when every C-level at EVERY bank we've bailed out is on the streets. Come back when banks are loaning money again.

You can start squeezing Middle America after the guys who planned, aided, and abetted AND truly profited from screwing America have been dealt with.

This should not be your first move. I expect this from the GOP. THEY hate working Americans. But to hear it from the prez is worse. It is insulting to everyone who backed your move.