Mexico's Drug War: The war we gave Mexico - Los Angeles Times

This is a pretty sobering assessment of our responsibility towards the violence in Mexico and the US's responsibility for it.

Foreign Policy covers the issue as well.

Meanwhile, our new attorney general and our even newer drug czar are going to stop demonizing pot and leave enforcement to the states. Basically, if the will of the people is respected, maybe you stop making the act so taboo. This helps those who apparently need medical marijuana and stops making smoking pot a sin instead of just a crime. This reduces the desire to do it except for those who just, well, want to do it.

That's THE issue of America. This Puritanical desire to ban EVERYTHING. Look, just make it a crime, and let folks decide whether or not they want to be a criminal. This isn't Iran. This isn't Saudi Arabia. Quit trying to make it so.