Plastic-faced Hatemongers

The Shiny Happy People are trying to stoke the fires of fear. Apparently, giving gays the right to marry means everyone has to turn gay. At least to these idiots.

Look, it's simple. This is NOT a theocracy, no matter how much you want to be like your pals the Taliban.

We have a form of democracy that continually evolves to give more and more of our citizens equal rights. You know, like Iowa did earlier this week and Vermont just did as well.

You don't have to BE gay to be for gay rights. Millions of whites were for civil rights in the '60s and they weren't black. They didn't even have to marry blacks, though some did. Plenty of men fought and died in the Civil War partly to end slavery. They weren't slaves. Men AND women fought for women's suffrage.

Look, let's make it easy. If gays can't marry in your state, they shouldn't have to pay payroll OR income tax. And no gay person should have to pay federal taxes while we stand by and let every state figure this out willy-nilly. You know, no taxation without representation. Just because Barney Frank is in office, it doesn't make things okay, alright?

I figure a lot of laws get changed real quick like if we do that.

Because it's about freedom folks. For everyone. And I sincerely doubt the women scared about what her kid learns in school even has her youngling in public school. You know, with all the science and evolution and dinosaurs and reading books other than the Bible and all.