The Tortured Logic of the Torture Superfans

Bob starts this entry on torture loving idiots. And truly, how degenerate are you that you can call yourself a Christian AND lust after torturing people at the same time?

Over at Political Irony, some more deep thought has been put into confronting this issue. Arianna Huffington frames it as it should be considered, as a "What does this say about America?" question.

Meanwhile, even FAUXNews talking heads like Shepard Smith question his network's stance, not to mention the GOP's, on cheerleading torture. To be fair, Smith is the only employee over there who doesn't drink all of Murdoch's Kool-aid, but still a bold move for him, if genuine:

Cliff May is an idiot who thankfully doesn't get on my TV often, but his angle is that we HAVE to torture Muslims because their religion forbids them from talking to us. Dolt.

It doesn't matter that the only reason we tortured was apparently to get some detainees to admit to a non-existant link between al-Qaeda and Saddam. It doesn't matter that according to the FBI, torture did NOT foil ANY terrorist plots.

Indeed, say it with me: Torture NEVER Works. Not for the Spanish Inquisition, the Nazis, the KGB, a pack of Neanderthal hunters. Not the Bush-era CIA or roving bands of West Virginia National Guardsmen and -women. It. Does. Not. Produce. Viable. Intelligence.


More from Rachel Maddow interviewing Ron Suskind.

An FBI interrogator says Bush and Company lies about any intelligence gains from torture.

And Bill O'Reilly proves to be more of an inhuman beast the more he speaks on the issue.

To get the taste of THAT out of your mouth, we close with Jon Stewart's take from earlier this week.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
We Don't Torture