I don't get this.
Apparently, the concept of kids hugging as a greeting is some kind of new thing?
i guess the Times is finally coming out of it's shell. Hell, all my close friends have been doing this for years. It was a Brotherhood staple that we helped spread wherever we went. It became more important as the years have gone on and we have moved farther and farther apart and see each other less and less often. If anything, I still give hugs to folks who are caught off guard because I forget they didn't grow up the same way I did. But most of them catch on eventually.
And even that aside, most cultures celebrate greeting and departing in such a way. I can't imagine going to Mexico to visit the family without hugs; much less seeing the neighbors.
Like the whole "pity the rich" thing they had going on, some of the Times reporters are really, really detached from reality. And you wonder why some newspapers are dying?